
London State Of Mind

The pressures of inner city living is not for the faint hearted. From the early years in the playground through the schools moving on to surfing through busy traffic to make it to work is such a picturesque experience worth writing about. Particularly, growing up young and black in London Town has its stigmas, from the inability of schools to instil a meaningful academic discipline to the constant harassment by the police to the drug infested neighbourhoods which inevitably alienate the young black child from the very beginning. The feeling of not belonging has a detrimental impact on the mental state of a young person which undoubtedly strips them of their ability to better themselves. This I believe is not a permanent defect but rather a challenging huddle whereby ploughing your way through this makes one resilient as seen in the many successful people of black descent with similar experiences. “London state of mind” is a song which takes you on a journey placing you in a setting whe...

Akom - Shaka's Warning


AKOMi Feat. Facefact - A.K.O.M. Kasa

WATCH THIS AMAZING VIDEO ; Great visual effects meets poetry 

A twisted street tale


Akom - QB's Finest Self conscience freestyle




I Think...So I am

The first thing that probably pop in my mind when I am confronted with an undesirable scene whether it is a once in a life time or a recurring feature to my world is to run away from it. I am sure I am not alone on that and I’m not talking about an impending doom or danger which of course our natural response is to get far away from it. I am referring to how we perceive ourselves and the environment surrounding it, I found out that those things which we find unfavourable are our own creation and by making this the absolute truth, we not only precipitate this reality to manifest but only create the inevitable response of survival to kick in. We run away from issues but we can’t run away from ourselves, who is the master and controller of the same issues. Check out this track titled “Run” it touches on this subject. ://